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Mobile app development

With the ever-growing popularity of cell phones, PDAs and smart phones, mobile application development has entered its golden age.  With thi...

With the ever-growing popularity of cell phones, PDAs and smart phones, mobile application development has entered its golden age.  With this boom in technology, a new outreach of Java emerged - Java 2 Platform, Micro Edition, or J2ME.  J2ME provides a full-bodied, elastic environment for applications running on consumer devices, such as internet-ready smart phones and PDAs.  J2ME delivers the power and benefits of Java technology to consumer and embedded devices. J2ME includes great networked support, an ever-growing follower of programmers, and integrated applications that are as user-friendly as many desktop applications.
Mobile app development
mobile app development

J2ME-based applications are able to take into account the specific characteristics of the devices they inhabit, making them capable of utilizing each device to its full potential.  In summation, J2ME is the standard for mobile application development today - with a following of software vendors, consumers, programmers, and marketers.  Although programmers aren't as common as they are for desktop applications, many firms offer great J2ME application development packages.  Full-service companies like Red Fly Studios, of Ireland, offer J2ME services at competitive rates. 

When coupled with a powerful operating system, J2ME can really begin to reach its full potential.  Symbian has been a power-player in the mobile operating system game for some time.  Symbian is a software licensing company.  Established as a private company in June 1998, Symbian has been around the mobile application development game for some time.  Symbian is headquartered in the United Kingdom, but employs over 1000 people in its worldwide offices.  During early 2005, 14.5 million phones were manufactured with Symbian operating systems, bringing the worldwide tally to 39 million Symbian-based phones.  Symbian refers to itself as "THE Mobile Operating System," and it's difficult to argue with numbers like those.

To conclude, mobile application development focuses on two things - a programming language, and an environment for it to manifest itself in.  Sun's Java outreach, J2ME, is a front-runner in the mobile application game.  Symbian is the definitive operating system (environment) for mobile applications.  When you're looking for mobile application development, it's important to consider these two factors and then find the development firm that suits your needs.



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Beauty Tips&Travel Guide: Mobile app development
Mobile app development
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